Wednesday, 13 June 2007

I've been tagged!

I don't know - I go off-line again for a few days and someone tags me!! I've had to sit and concentrate very hard but here goes........

  1. In the early 1970's my uncle used to be the roadie for Black Sabbath and the whole group came to my nan's house for tea. Ozzy Osbourne sat me on his knee and played with my farm set to make friends with me because I was scared of these strange men stood in the lounge with long hair........

  2. When I was 12 years old, the same uncle was living in New York and was, by now, quite successul in the music industry. He paid for me to go out to visit him for the six weeks summer holiday, and I went with him to the "office" and sorted fan mail for Michael Jackson while he had a meeting.

  3. I was diagnosed with Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) in 1991 - a rare disease, similar to Lupus. Alongside of this, most patients (me included) get Raynaud's and, although now classed as "stable", I do have severe lung involvement (ILD-interstertial lung disease) caused by fibrosis and have had 2 lots of chemotherapy over the years when this part of the disease has been "active". But this doesn't stop me from enjoying my garden, DIY, cooking, sewing (a bit!), horse riding, bike riding and walking the dogs, as long as I can do it at my own pace!

  4. I met my lovely hubby, J, whilst on a ski-ing holiday with the girls when I was 28 years old. He winked at me in a bar and told me that same night he was going to marry me...... which, of course, he did.

  5. I hate liver, stilton cheese, the coffee and orange fondant chocolates and roll mop herrings.

  6. Since I was a little girl, Father Christmas has always brought me a Terry's Chocolate Orange at Christmas.

  7. I am 40 this year and despite the usual jokes about it, I actually am chuffed to bits to be reaching this milestone. A few years ago, I didn't think I'd make it and now every year is a wonderful achievement and every morning when I wake, I say "Thank you" out loud for another wonderful day.

  8. I broke my third toe on my left foot when I was eleven because my younger brother, who was then only 5 years old, dared me I couldn't climb the hall wall. My parents kept an antiques' shop and we lived in the Victorian flat above. There was a long corridor that joined the living and bedroom areas, and it was quite narrow. My darling brother used to put a hand on either side of the wall, level with his head, then jump like a star fish and put his feet on the walls too. Then he would "walk" up to the ceiling. I forgot that he was only half my height, and when I went to star fish my feet, I stubbed my toe and broke it and was too scared to tell my mum because she would have been cross at us climbing the wall.

Phew! Done it........ now do I have to tag someone else? If so, I'm way behind on blogs (again) and don't know who's been done already!! Wail, wail in anguish................


Exmoorjane said...

Lovely lovely list. Can't believe you were sat on the knee of Ozzy Osbourne! now THAT is a claim to fame. Must rush off and tell Adrian now - he'll like that. Was just watching Ozzy the other night on TV - on the Seven Ages of Rock....he looked a real sweetie when he was young. Oooh, he could come and sort out my bats!
I'll have your coffee creams...but will pass on the orange ones.
Lovely to see the pic too....what a very handsome pair you are.


Bluestocking Mum said...

Oh, you are so interesting.
I decided everyone knows far too much about me already for me to do the tag thing, so I am excusing myself!!

So good to see you again-have missed you.

I LOVE your photo btw. You are just as I imagined-lovely lovely.
Hope you are keeping ok and thanks for your kind words.


Pipany said...

Hello Woozle. Great list, especially liked the Ozzy one. Haven't got a clue what this tagging thing is - obviously been away too long! xx

Chris Stovell said...

That's a beautiful photo, you do look lovely and I really enjoyed your list. I have Raynauds - not systemic - but a bloody nusiance nonetheless. Very ticked too by the idea of you and Ozzy. Agree with jane about the young Ozzy... er what happened? (Much smashing of glass behind me!).

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

lovely list. agree that making 40 is wonderful and your life sounds good and full of great things.

Wizzard said...

Life begins at 40!
My sister-in-law lived round the corner from Ozzy. She is a wee bit older than us though having 3 grandchildren! I just used to live round the corner from Nigel Mansell.


Enjoyed hearing your list - fancy sitting on Ozzy's knee! That's really quite amazing (I imagine his hair to be a bit wiry and prickly - am I right?)

What rotten luck to have had such ill health. However, you look as though you're on top of things now, and have a lovely, positive attitude to life, which must really help.

Carah Boden said...

Hi Woozle - I just popped back to my last blog out of nostalgia for the days when I found time to blog! It was lovely to get your message and hear I'm missed! I miss writing, I miss reading, I miss the whole thing. But ALL my time is still being taken up with school. The rest of my life has just been abandoned for now. It is so very frustrating, but, hopefully, in a good cause. At least we will know we've done our best.

It was lovely to read your list and learn a little more about you -specially what you look like and your lovely husband (funnily enough, my friend in France who I worked with in the Alps, had a similar experience - her now husband came into the bar where she was and told his friend that he was going to marry her before he'd even said a word to her! They've been together since 1987, married early nineties, like me).
So very sorry to hear of your ill-health - but you have a marvellous and remarkable attitude which is very very admirable.
I was tagged by CJ just before the school thing exploded, so I have not been able to do her the courtesy of replying yet. It will happen. Promise.

Pondside said...

Gorgeous photo of you and your husband! Love the outfit!
It's good to know a little more about one another, isn't it?
I think about you and our lungs whenever I go out to my healing place.

annakarenin said...

Think I would have been scared of them too!!

I live in Blakeney. Mike got a job in Gloucs but will be moving to Cheltenham soon. We did look around that area but the sort of property we wanted was too expensive. I also like being near my MiL in Chepstow.I did do a drive past for a property in Newent but it was £250,000 for 3 bed and positioned practically in Budgens carpark!!!! We got a very good deal with this house though and have all settled well, it is a lovely area.

Rachel X

countrymousie said...

Wow Woozle - what an impressive list. Ozzy - sitting on his knee - him playing with a farm set! - you couldnt make it up could you.
Yes, you are a very good looking couple - only 40 - you have years ahead of you I am sure, despite this horrible illness. So many on this site seem to have dreadful health problems yet are so active despite it all. love mousie

snailbeachshepherdess said...

Hi Woozle...look forward to our meeting ...just read your homework....I laughed when I got to the choccy oranges every that every year for boys....and girlfriends now as well...aren't they a swine to wrap?

Milla said...

I've got a list which includes one of yours - a holiday romance and being proposed to on that holiday on the first night! Great, isn't it! Lovely photo. 40's fine - and, as you say, better making 40 than not making 40!

bodran... said...

A lovely photo, and a brilliant list ozzy's knee hmmmm..xxoo

Cait O'Connor said...

Just catching up, have been busy.
Lovely happy photo and I enjoyed your lovely list too. Wish I was forty again.

Posie said...

Enjoyed the list Woozle, would have loved to have met all of those long haired rockers, and NY for six weeks, lucky you. Best one had to be your meeting with your hubby and his prediction, how romantic.