J is off down to London (again!) tomorrow to work the London Golf Show. The van is loaded with his “Caddy Covers” and he is staying with our friends G and O, who are now back home following A’s funeral.
O will fuss over him like no-one’s business! She is an amazing cook and he will come home at least a stone heavier from homemade apple pie or sticky toffee pudding every night. He doesn’t get that here! I say it’s because I’m watching his waistline and cholesterol level, but really it’s because I just couldn’t compete. I struggle with pastry – my hands are a bit affected by my Scleroderma; enough to find it hard going, but I have made it and can hold my head up high to a homemade lemon meringue pie the other week!
And so I will be torn away from this site to do the “jobs” J does when he’s about. A good thing methinks, as I am in danger of losing my focus this week, what with damp weather forecast for these parts over the next few days. Otherwise, it would be a perfect excuse to stay indoors and nurse the laptop and a cup of tea, instead of my raised beds!
Mum is coming for a girlie overnighter on Wednesday, so we will eat scrummy food and gossip like girls over a glass or two of wine, and then she will demand Ovaltine to take off to bed for her bit of a read before lights out. I have bought one of those whizzy things to froth it up (off good old eBay of course) so it’s just like the way she does it at home. It’s a surprise, and I can’t wait to see her face!
J will be home late on Sunday night and I will stay up to wait for him. The dogs will only go ballistic anyway when they hear the van reverse on the drive, meaning sleep will be out of the question until he gets in safe. I always worry when he comes home from an event or show, because he has been up at the crack of dawn, worked all day, loaded the van and driven all the way home; totally dead on his feet. It’s a hard life, working on the road, and I’m glad he doesn’t do it so often these days, since he has got his website up and running.
The next one is Bakewell Show in August, and I always work that one with him. We stay in a B&B up at Monsal Head and make a weekend of it; enjoying the scenery of the Peak District and it’s usually good weather (although that’s NOT great when you’re selling brollies, like us!). But I love this particular show because they have livestock, horticultural areas, heavy horse shows, crafts and local produce – a proper old fashioned “country” show. These “Ag Shows” are getting fewer and far between, as the countryside is tweaked and pruned to within an inch of its life. They are changing into glorified markets and the traders, like J, who sell handmade items like walking sticks etc., and offer a good old fashioned service, are being replaced by those that sell disposable, plastic goods that won’t see the year out. But this is the changing face of the world and we are lucky to have the few remaining shows that we work.
I hate it when he goes away. I always think that I’ll enjoy the “me time” and try and plan to do things I wouldn’t if he were here. But the site of the bag on the landing, getting ever fatter, makes me really morose and I flit around aimlessly, totally without focus. When he pulls off the drive, the girls whine for a while (Alfie is an old hand by now) at the emptiness that seems to descend on our home. But then I become a little brisk, for want of a better expression, and tackle things I have put off or take them out for a really long walk. The upside is the lack of mess! How can one man create so much disarray? But by Sunday, I will be eager (ok, so slight exaggeration there) for abandoned shoes and paperwork strewn over the kitchen table – homely mess, as he likes to call it!
Oh my mother used to make hot chocolate like that ! She bought a whizzer for middle to make his own with when he wasn't visitng her!
Enjoy the time alone, watch rubbish telly and eat crisps and chocolate
Paperwork strewn all over the table? I know whre you're coming from. 3 hours to sort it and put it away. 5 minutes for it all to reappear again. Magic!
Love the picture of the three musketeers.ToadyXX
Oh I know how you feel - our life for the past few years has all been about goodbyes and absences (but no longer - yipee!) The night with your Mum sounds good. Plan a few treats and the times goes faster. Just read your one about the Dymock poets - don't know how I missed that - I know many of the poets individually, but hadn't realised their link. Lovely, thanks for sharing that.
Enjoy the night with your Mum, and hope you getting all thoses little jobs done and not sitting there reading too many blogs instead!!
Hi I am new at blogging. I'm a pal of old Westerwitch and she got me on to purplecoo. Just been emailing your hubby cos that Caddy Cover is exactly what I have been looking for.
I hate it when the happy farmer goes away too, kids love sticky toffee pudding, I don't make it either!
But at least you can indulge in blogging!
Trust you to be younger, not really allowed!! I am a June baby!
l agree about ag shows, they are becoming more and more sunday market-like, l Hubby enjoys the machinerey but even that's on the wane. my mum used to listen tothe Ovalteenes when she was a child.
My hubbie is on his way home from London but it was only a one nighter.
I had two months of him up here in the week and us back in Wales before we bought this place. Oh the relief when that sale went through!
Know what you mean about the countryside being 'tweeked and pruned' to within an inch of its life ! x
I get to think of all the things I'll do when he's not here but sort of get distracted! He's off and away again soon and all the dogs will be on my bed crowded by comforting!
i have just come back from a couple of days away and here you are blogging away. great to see you. i always take the view that when someone goes away you get the high of them coming back! pollyanna or what?
Hot bath, alchohol of preference and a good book. Enjoy your me time.
Phew! thought that I had lost you for a moment Woozle. I have left you a message on my blog. Thank you so much for info on downloading pics,you are so kind.
I bought one of those little whizzer things too - I can use skim milk in my coffee that way, and still feel as though I'm having a bit of a treat.
I am sorry to hear about the Scleroderma. I have Sarcoidosis, which is related, so am checked for Scleroderma as well. Doctor suggested prednisone, but I have done well on chocolate, wine and regular applications of new shoes!!!
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